Welcome to our photo gallery showcasing the soccer teams of Carndonagh, spanning from 1911 to the 1970s. These images are a testament to the town’s deep passion for soccer, with teams and players proudly representing their community throughout the years.
In this gallery, you will see photos of various teams from Carndonagh, including some of the referees and managers who played vital roles in the sport’s development in the town.
Some of the photos are missing details, and we would like people to help us fill in the gaps if possible. We encourage anyone with knowledge about the teams, players, or the context of these images to contribute any information they may have. These photos offer a unique glimpse into the rich history of soccer in Carndonagh, and with your help, we can preserve and celebrate this legacy.
So, join us on a journey through time and explore the soccer teams of Carndonagh, honouring the players, referees, and managers who contributed to the town’s sporting culture that continues to thrive in Carndonagh today.

Back Row from left: Unknown, James Mc Laughlin, Danny Tully, Fred Tully, Paddy Byrne, Dan Doherty, Liam Mc Laughlin, Billy McLaughlin, Vincie McLaughlin, Pat Logue, Owen Doherty, Andy Davenport, Patrick Hirrell and Paddy Mc Guinness."

Kneeling (L-R): Referee (Sheeran, Derry), Peadar Hirrell, Tony Diver, Dan Doherty (Oregon), Theo Mc Laughlin (Philips), Joe Doherty (Oregon).

Picture front, from left: Joe Mc Laughlin, Pat McGonigle, Dr. Colm O'Doherty, Jim Hume and Pat Reid.
Standing, from left: John Mc Guinness, trainer, Vincy Mc Laughlin, Ted Mc Laughlin, Jackie Mc Laughlin, Johnny Butler, Owen Doherty, Sean Mc Gonigle and Niall P. O'Doherty, manager.
(Photograph supplied S. R. Butler and Sons, Carndonagh).
Footnote - Referee for the match was Rev. Montgomery, brother of Field Marshal Earl Montgomery of Alamein."

Following their success in the Kennedy Cup, Carndonagh Rangers were popular winners in the Inishowen Charity Cup before a record gate of 2,700 spectators.
Pictured front, from left, Johnny Butler, Johnny Diver, Theo Mc Laughlin, Owney Doherty, Pat Mc Gonigle and Pat Reid.
Standing, from left, Eugene Doherty, chariman, Sean Mc Gonigle, Mickey Mc Laughlin, John Mc Callion, Vincy Mc Laughlin, John O'Connor, and John Mc Guinness, trainer.
(Photograph supplied by S. R. Butler and Sons, Carndonagh)."

Front L-R: Sean O'Kane, Oliver Gilmore, Neilly Gordon, Jackie Mc Geoghan, Roddy Mc Caule.
Back L-R: Brian Mc Laughlin, Pat Kelly, Michael Mc Clure, Eddie Mahon, Billy Mc Cauley, Dan Mc Eleney."

Inishowen League side Carndonagh FC forty years ago. They are, Left to Right: Joe Doherty, Liam Galbraith, Martin Robbins, Mickey Mc Clure, Niall Doherty, Donal Doherty, Eamonn O'Donnell, Mickey Robbins, Liam Monagle, Coleman Doherty, John Mc Laughlin, Patsy Doherty, Gerry Doherty and Niall Mc Laughlin."