Farewell unto this lovely town, from it I mean to roam
Called Carndonagh of renown, my youthful, happy home.
‘Twas there I spent some happy hours, the truth to you I’ll tell,
So now I am bound for America to cross the raging main.
It breaks my heart when I must part with Carn’s mirth & fame,
Those lovely woods and valleys I might never see again.
Surrounded by those lovely hills of fame and high renown
There’s no place else I can compare to Carndonagh Town.
If you could see the Barrack Hill all in the month of May
With buttercups and daisies they all deck the rocks so gay
Where the blackbird and the golden thrush do echo all around
Those lovely woods and plantations that lie close to Carn Town.
When sleep it does me conquer and mocks me with its dreams
I think I see Thompson’s Bridge and all its purling streams
When I awake in a foreign shore, and, gazing all around
I’ll think of the happy nights I spent in Carndonagh Town.
Now, to conclude and finish, I mean to say no more,
I’ll steer my barque far o’er the sea where the stormy billows roar.
I bid farewell to Paddy’s land, that consecrated ground,
And to my lovely, blue-eyed Irish girl I left in Carn Town.

Carndonagh Heritage
Local History curated by Maura Harkin